217 East 3rd Street

Tifton, GA 31794


Alcohol/Drug Risk Reduction #8040

Defensive Driving


Registration for classes Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 5 PM or after-hours call: (229) 402-2424

A personal message from Owner/Instructor John H. Lindsey: We are a full service DUI School serving South Georgia for over 33 years. "Come to the school where you will be treated like family."


Classes Every Weekend

Offering State-Approved Alcohol/Drug (DUI) Risk Reduction and Defensive Driving Classes

Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Programs, Interlock Installation and Monitoring

Alcohol/Drug (DUI) Risk Reduction Schedule

Sat Jan  25  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Sun Jan  26  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Mon Jan  27  4:00 PM -  8:00 PM

20 hours

20 hours

20 hours

20 hours

Defensive Driving Schedule

Lunch: 12 PM - 1 PM

Sat Feb   1  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Sun Feb   2  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Mon Feb   3  4:00 PM -  8:00 PM

Sat Feb   8  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Sun Feb   9  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Mon Feb  10  4:00 PM -  8:00 PM

Sat Feb  15  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Sun Feb  16  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Mon Feb  17  4:00 PM -  8:00 PM

Wed Jan 29  2:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Wed Feb  5  2:00 PM - 9:00 PM


6 hours

6 hours

Remote DUI/Defensive Driving Classes Available



Alcohol/Drug (DUI) Risk Reduction: Class $235 • Assessment $100 • Workbook $25 • Total $360

Defensive Driving (DDC): $95 • Clinical Evaluation (by appointment)

Prices are set by the State and cannot be discounted or increased by any school